SEO Keywords and their significance in the growth of Small and Medium businesses

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The Significance of SEO Keywords for Small and Medium Businesses

Over the last decade, online user behavior has changed drastically, leading to the adaptation of different strategies to increase the visibility of blogs or Websites. While some people discover blogs or websites through social media, the majority of people discover the content through search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Making it essential for businesses, websites, and blogs to use the relevant SEO keywords in their content and utilize search engine optimization to grow online visibility and be successive in their SEO efforts.

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If you are a mere digital marketer, SEO Service provider, or SEO agency, seeking to expand your knowledge about Search Engine Optimization, or a beginner or small business struggling for digital appearance, you should first focus on learning what are the types of keywords, and their significance in digital marketing and SEO.

What are the SEO Keywords?

The idea or topic defines the content of your website, blog post, or article, and for businesses, it defines the services and products you offer to your online visitors, users, and customers. In SEO, Keywords are words or phrases that a person enters in the search engines, i.e., Google, Bing, etc., to discover or search the content, These words and phrases are particularly called search queries in SEO terms. 

As a website owner, you should use the appropriate amount of relevant keywords in your content, as it serves as the linchpin between your website content and what people are searching for related to your content, which increases the chances of people discovering your content on the search engine result page, and that is the ultimate goal in SEO for Any small and medium business. 

There are numerous types of Keywords used to increase the website’s visibility; however, we will discuss a few of the most important types of keywords.

Head Keywords

Head Keywords are popular keywords that have high search volume as well as high competition. In SEO, head keywords are enormously competitive, and they are also known as ‘head terms’. In SEO, Head terms/Head and head keywords are one of the most important factors in increasing your organic traffic while staying competitive with competitors. They are mainly the most popular search queries, which can be either one word or a maximum of 2 words and represent a single industry, niche, or any topic. It has a high search volume as it covers a broad topic and idea. When you enter the Head Keywords in the search engine, it helps the search engine to understand the content and allows it to show relevant search results. 

Benefit of Head/Seed Keywords:

For any website head keywords represent the core business. Therefore, the head keyword is extremely important for driving organic traffic to the business website. For instance, ‘digital Marketing’ is a head keyword as it covers a broad topic and gives ideas to search engines to present relevant information.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-Tail Keywords are opposite to head keywords. It is a combination of multiple head keywords and phrases in search queries. Long tail keywords typically have low search volume along with low competition, having room for small businesses and websites to break in and make their mark on Search Engine Result Pages with better conversion rate as they are exceptionally specific and focused on the niche or user’s need. For instance, Digital Marketing Agency in Abu Dhabi or Best Digital Marketing Agency in Abu Dhabi.

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Benefits of Long Tail Keywords

  1. They are easier to rank as they have Low Competition 
  2. Long tail keywords have better conversion rates as the content is targeted to the user’s need 3. They Increase Your Content visibility, as we are aware that Google personalizes the search results as per demographic, which means if two users enter the same search query in different demographic regions, they might see different search results. Long-tail keywords help optimize the website for different types of searchers based on their location, sex, age, and interest because they’re more specific. 
  3. Long-tail keywords help in ranking the Head Keyword too, as long-tail keywords also include head keywords, which cover both goals of boosting the ranking of your head keyword as well as the targeted keyword as well. For instance, ‘Best SEO Agency In Abu Dhabi where SEO is a head keyword.

Branded Keywords

A branded keyword is a keyword that includes the name of the brand, product, and variation of the brand and product, for instance, if a searcher types ‘Numo’ or ‘Numo by Digital Farm’ in the search engine’s search field. They will find in the SERP. This means the searcher is not interested in non-branded keywords of any other brand than Numo.

Final Words

Keyword research is an essential step in establishing an online presence for small and medium business websites. Selecting good keywords can increase the website’s ranking and visibility in the SERP. This Blog post will guide you to finding the perfect keywords for small and medium business websites. Remember, in SEO keyword research is an experiment that takes time to land the perfect Keyword for your website, so don’t get discouraged by the initial failures only